The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 20




Bai Nian hugged himself tightly silently. His short tail sat under his buttocks and curled into a fluffy ball.

"Can I kiss your ears again?" Xu Mu directly carried the lop-eared rabbit into his own room and nestled on the sofa.

Bai Nian ignored him.

Because he knew that all his actions would be misinterpreted as—

"Your ears moved, so that means you agree, right?" After saying that, Xu Mu gently lifted the lop-eared rabbit's ears and kissed them bit by bit.

Bai Nian's back trembled, unable to help but bite his own hand.

He silently repeated to himself: Compensation, compensation, this is compensation...

The ears of lop-eared rabbits have many nerves and blood vessels. When he lifts up the ears, and brushes aside the soft fur on the inside, like dispersing dandelions, he can see the red blood vessels all over.

Xu Mu gently blew on the ear, and the ear trembled.

So cute.

Hmm, lop-eared rabbits' ears don't have good ventilation and are most prone to problems, so he helped the other party lift them.

Xu Mu buried his nose in the fluffy fur, his lips against the ear. Slowly, as if tempted, he opened his mouth and gently bit the soft ear.

It’s actually a bit tough... he absentmindedly thought, but indeed soft, even more comfortable than touching it.

Bai Nian widened his eyes and his whole body jumped up in excitement.

Xu Mu loosened his mouth, he was hit hard on the chin.

He frowned in pain, but quickly hugged the lop-eared rabbit tightly, skillfully apologizing, "Hey, Tutu, my bad, I shouldn't have touched your ears, I was just careless just now, trust me, really, my mouth inexplicably opened and my teeth just bit down..."

Bai Nian was trembling with embarrassment. There still seemed to be a moist feeling in his ears, and the sharpness of teeth seemed to be engraved into his flesh.

He kicked without mercy a few times and turned to run.

Xu Mu was hit in the chest and felt stuffy, but still refused to let go.

"Tutu, I'm sorry, be good... It's my fault, did the bite hurt you? I'm sorry..." After he said all the sweet words, pinched his throat, and even used a very sad tone, "Maybe it's because we haven't seen each other for a long time, you see, if it weren't for finding you next door today secretly climbing onto the balcony, I wouldn't have had the chance..."

At this point, Bai Nian also felt a bit guilty.

Indeed, he was the one who lied first.

To be honest, he didn't know why he lied either.

Xu Mu saw the lop-eared rabbit's struggles weaken, his eyes lit up, sure enough, the rabbit fell for it.

When he showed weakness in his voice it was really effective.

He continued to coax the lop-eared rabbit and finally managed to calm it down.


"Tutu, are you cold?"

"Come here, let me touch your little paw, hmm, it's warm."

"But we still need to cover you with a blanket..."

Xu Mu behaved for a while, but soon his hands started to misbehave.

He was almost immersed in cuddling the rabbit, unwilling to let go for a long time, floating in ecstasy.

There was no way, today's lop-eared rabbit was just too obedient.

He could hug, cuddle, and even steal kisses.

But Xu Mu wasn't satisfied.

Holding hands wasn't enough, patting the back wasn't enough, and kissing it’s head wasn't enough.

He wanted to go further, burying himself in the lop-eared rabbit's most intimate and soft belly.

The first time he buried himself, the rabbit cried; the second time, the rabbit kicked him; the third time...

Maybe it will work this time.

"Tutu..." Xu Mu called softly.

Bai Nian had long curled up into a ball, being manipulated until he was completely limp, almost too weak to resist.

Due to his acquiescence, the young man became extremely unrestrained.

He heard the call and moved his ears slightly, looking over cautiously.

He had been hugged, cuddled, smoothed down, his head and ears kissed...

What else did the young man want?

Xu Mu was oblivious to the lop-eared rabbit being on guard, affectionately rubbing his nose against its cheek, and saying softly, "Tutu, you haven't come to play with me for several days. If I hadn't found you, would you not have come to find me?"

Bai Nian: “...”  He would be crazy to use his mimicry to find him.

"I feel so sad. I thought our relationship was getting better," Xu Mu continued. "But it seems like you don't have me in your heart."

Bai Nian uncomfortably twisted his body. Why did the young man speak in such a... weird way?

"I really like you. You might think I'm just attracted to your fluffy appearance, but that's not it. Because..." Xu Mu pondered for a moment. "There are other cute rabbits out there, but you're the only one that makes me constantly think of bringing you home."

Bai Nian couldn't believe it. What was the young man talking about?

Bring him home? How would he be kept?

Is he crazy? This is illegal detention!!!

"But I know I can't," Xu Mu lamented, after all, the lop-eared rabbit had an owner.

Although this rabbit was wild and loved freedom, its fur was well-maintained, indicating how carefully its owner cared for it.

Ah, falling in love with a rabbit that doesn't return home is a bit sad.

But if it were to come to his house... Xu Mu couldn't suppress the curve of his lips, it seemed feasible.

Sorry, owner of the lop-eared rabbit, life is inevitable, with some joys and some sorrows.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Xu Mu held the paw that was patting his cheek and gently rubbed it.

Bai Nian chuckled, what's wrong?

It's good that he knows it's wrong to detain someone randomly like this, he shouldn't do it.

"Are you cold?" Xu Mu skillfully wrapped the lop-eared rabbit in a blanket, then slowly reached one hand inside, gently stroking the soft fur on the rabbit's back.

Bai Nian wasn't cold, he was feeling hot all over.

Especially when the young man's hand was pressed against him, his palm was extremely hot. Occasionally, he would use his fingers to skillfully knead and play with tufts of fur.

Every time Bai Nian's body trembled faintly and he couldn't help but move away, the young man seemed to catch some signal and promptly withdrew.

But the next time, he would silently place his hand back.

He is cunningly silent.

The young man's fingertips were slightly calloused, especially on the side of his index finger. Because of this, every gentle touch was magnified several times, causing a faint, almost imperceptible itchiness that couldn't be ignored.

Xu Mu kissed the lop-eared rabbit's head. "Tutu, you owe me."

Bai Nian: ?

What compensation?

He didn't understand the young man's thought process.

Xu Mu began to complain slowly.

"You don't come to see me." Instead, you go to other people's houses.

"You don't have me in your heart." There is no limit to mercy anywhere.

"Deceiving my feelings." Last time before you left, you even hugged me. I thought you would come back, you scoundrel.

Xu Mu sighed heavily. "I'm so sad, I can't eat."

Bai Nian: “…”

Xu Mu leaned forward, coaxing, "So—shouldn't you compensate me?"

Bai Nian chuckled angrily. Wasn't it because of his mimicry that he deceived the young man into not being at home? Why was the other person exaggerating?

Sad! Can't eat!

He raised his hand and vigorously pulled Xu Mu's head to wake him up a bit.

Xu Mu thought the lop-eared rabbit was playing with him, so he didn't dodge, even falling down onto the quilt with the rabbit.

Bai Nian was caught off guard and was pressed down, his limbs didn’t touch the ground, he unconsciously leaned back and slammed into the cotton.

Then, the young man leaned in, gently rubbing his cheeks and neck.

Bai Nian stiffened for a moment, not used to this completely open posture.

He awkwardly pulled his legs together and turned to the side.

"So comfortable..." Xu Mu crazily sucked on the rabbit, from the face to the neck, and then to the hands, not missing a spot.

"Can I suck on your belly?" he asked softly.

Bai Nian felt embarrassed. Suck, suck, suck, all he knows is sucking. He suspected the young man had some kind of mental illness—

"Just once, as compensation, it'll be quick," Xu Mu said, then buried his head.

Boom—Bai Nian's brain crashed.

This wasn't the belly at all, it was clearly near the lower abdomen, and even a bit lower...

Xu Mu was kicked hard on the face, he didn't have time to react and awkwardly fell towards the pillow.

"Hey, Tutu..." he was a bit dazed, being "punched and kicked" by the lop-eared rabbit, he could only resist and didn’t dare to fight back.

Bai Nian lay on Xu Mu's chest, his two short legs wrapped around his neck, trembling in anger, his throat making grumbling sounds.

Xu Mu's brow jumped, afraid that the lop-eared rabbit would faint in anger, he quickly rubbed his back, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, take deep breaths, come on, deep breaths."

He looked worried, his face full of concern.

Bai Nian calmed down, moved away from Xu Mu's neck, and sat on the cushion with his back to him.

Xu Mu sat up and saw the lop-eared rabbit sitting with an air of indignation, ears puffed up.

He touched his nose, oh no, it seemed like he had angered the rabbit, now it was sulking.


Xu Mu cleared his throat softly. "Tutu, I'm sorry."

Bai Nian remained silent. He regretted why he had thought of compensating the young man—he was completely led astray.

Of course, he also had responsibility. It was because of his indulgence that Xu Mu had become so unrestrained!

Xu Mu gently tapped the lop-eared rabbit's shoulder, and the rabbit shifted forward.

Tap, shift, tap, shift…

In this repetitive cycle, Xu Mu sighed. Uh-oh, it seemed like the rabbit was really angry this time.

He scratched his head and furrowed his brows, thinking.

He can coax the rabbit... with treats?

Xu Mu remembered the rabbit treats he had given this morning and quickly retrieved them from the storage compartment.

His arms blocked the lop-eared rabbit on both sides, in a protective stance, he slightly lowered his head. "Tutu, don't be mad, I have something nice to show you."

Bai Nian’s view suddenly darkened, he felt a shadow falling over his head, the man's hot breath hitting his ear, and as he spoke, he could feel the vibrations in his chest.

He pulled his ears to cover his face, wanting to move away, but found his path blocked.

"Look, do you like it?" Xu Mu opened his palm, revealing a packet of rabbit treats.

Bai Nian glanced at it, not recognizing what it was. After examining it for a moment, he realized it was a packet of treats.

He scanned it quickly, not understanding the other's actions.

It was a packet of treats commonly given to baby rabbits, with natural calming effects suitable for infants who couldn't control themselves yet.

Of course, adults could also eat them, especially those prone to mental agitation.

Xu Mu's intention was... Bai Nian's face darkened. Was he implying that he should eat something to calm down and not be angry?

Xu Mu didn't know what was on the lop-eared rabbit's mind. He saw the rabbit staring at the treats, but not moving, indicating a desire to eat yet feeling hesitant.

Understanding, Xu Mu tore open the packaging of the treats, even crushed the edges of the biscuit, and placed it in his palm, offering it to Bai Nian.

"Tutu, have some," he said softly, "I've come to make peace with you, please don't be angry."

When he used to upset his rebellious son at home, the most effective way to pacify them wasn't through a soft tone or acting pitiful, but by offering treats.

Bai Nian was speechless. The young man was... incredibly childish.

Did he think he was soothing a three-year-old child like Ye Ye?

"Tutu..." Xu Mu called softly, his eyes full of sincerity and earnestness, "I'm sorry, I was wrong. Did I bury myself too roughly on your belly just now? Did I hurt you? I won't do it again next time."

Bai Nian: “...”

Regardless, whether he could speak now or not, even if he could, it would be difficult to speak up.

Was he supposed to point to a specific spot and tell the young man, "You buried it wrong, too low"?

"Tutu, I'm sorry..."

The young man tirelessly apologized, as if he wanted to repeat the same words over and over again.

Bai Nian couldn't take it anymore, so he ate up the broken biscuits in Xu Mu's palm.

He quickly devoured the largest piece, chewing with one cheek bulging, his nostrils flaring, and the whiskers around his mouth trembling.

Xu Mu's gaze was gentle, staring at the lop-eared rabbit without blinking.

...Even the way it ate was so adorable.

He became a bit obsessed as he watched, unable to resist leaning closer.

Bai Nian didn't notice, earnestly finishing the biscuits in the young man's palm.

Only some biscuit crumbs remained.

Xu Mu's hand hadn't been withdrawn yet.

Bai Nian hesitated for a moment, then continued eating. However, because the crumbs were scattered and too small, he could only use his tongue to lick them up.

He was very careful to avoid touching the young man's skin.

He thought he was doing quite well, and the young man's reaction confirmed he succeeded.

Xu Mu's expression remained calm, and his eyebrows didn't even twitch.

"Finished eating?" he smiled and withdrew his hand.

As he withdrew his hand, his fingertips curled.

The rabbit's tongue was relatively long, but when it was exposed outside the mouth, only a tiny tip was visible, short and very pale pink.

Its tongue, unlike a cat's, didn't have sharp barbs. Instead, it was extremely soft, slightly sticky, and a bit warm.

When it lightly swept across the soft flesh of the palm, the sensation... was extremely peculiar.

It’s teeth occasionally bumped into his hand, it didn't hurt, but it brought a tingling sensation.

Xu Mu lifted the lop-eared rabbit and placed it against his chest. "Was the biscuit tasty?."

Bai Nian subconsciously moved his mouth, savoring the taste of the biscuit from earlier.

—-It was okay, slightly sweet, with a hint of clover, mixed with a bit of tartness.

"Seems like it was good," Xu Mu chuckled, noticing every movement of the lop-eared rabbit.

Bai Nian felt embarrassed, so he pulled his ears to cover himself, pretending he hadn't done anything earlier.

Xu Mu pondered for a moment. "It's been a while since I've checked your teeth... “ Although he knows his owner takes good care of it, seeing how clean it is, it's not easy to achieve this, but he’s still worried.

He remembered that his rabbit son had suffered from gingivitis due to negligence. It would drool at night, and its teeth grew crooked and too long, causing ulcers in its mouth.

Xu Mu pinched the lop-eared rabbit's lower jaw, skillfully holding it on both sides, gently but firmly opening its mouth.

"Ah—let me see your teeth..." Xu Mu said as he leaned in to inspect.

Bai Nian froze for a moment, then suddenly kicked Xu Mu hard.

Xu Mu calmly restrained the lop-eared rabbit, flattening the soft creature in his palm, and continued to pry open its mouth.

Seeing that the lop-eared rabbit was not cooperating, he extended two fingers and slowly inserted them into its mouth, gently feeling around. He pressed down on the slippery surface of the tongue with one finger while the other finger explored the inner walls of the mouth. 

Occasionally, he brushed against the sensitive soft tissue. After a few back-and-forth motions, he finally located the teeth.

Bai Nian widened his eyes, his limbs going limp as his body trembled.

"They're growing fine... no sharp edges..." Xu Mu murmured, "Let me see... no cavities either. It seems like they've been taken care of regularly..."

Knock knock knock

The door to the room was knocked on.

Nades stood at the doorway. "Master, there are no cooking ingredients left in the house. When will you—"

The robot paused mid-sentence, tilting its head with apparent confusion as it observed the scene.

Xu Mu, still with his eyes half-lidded, smiled faintly at the interruption. He ran his fingers around the inner walls of the mouth once more, then pinched the tip of its tongue before retracting his fingers.

Transparent saliva coated his two fingers, with a drop hanging on the brink of falling.

Xu Mu noticed but didn't mind the lop-eared rabbit's saliva. He casually wiped his fingers with a tissue, not bothering to wash his hands afterward.

"Nades, what's the matter?" he asked.

Nades hesitated for a moment. "..."

Slowly, he raised his mechanical arm to cover his eyes. "It seems I came at the wrong time."

Xu Mu: ?

"Don't be absurd, Nades."


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  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
    *ded from second hand embarrassment*


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