The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 63



Xu Mu always thought Bai Nian's legs were extremely beautiful. 

In his impression, they were symmetrical, straight, without an ounce of excess flesh, with smooth and clear lines, while being filled with absolute explosive power. Sometimes, you couldn't tell who was restraining whom.

"Brother Nian, do you still remember the time you borrowed my bathroom to take a shower?" Xu Mu kissed his sweaty cheek, wiped away tears with lips, rolled his tongue, taking them all into his mouth.

"What..." Bai Nian's eyes were vacant, moisture seeping in, his mind muddled and sluggish.

Xu Mu patiently repeated, "One night, you said your water heater was broken and borrowed my bathroom to shower."

"Um..." Bai Nian's eyelashes fluttered slowly, tears uncontrollably seeping from the corners of his eyes.

"Did you do that on purpose that day?"

"What?" Bai Nian couldn't gather the ability to think.

Xu Mu didn't insist on an answer, continuing, "When I applied mosquito ointment for you at the time, I actually had ulterior motives. I deliberately applied it slowly, and in some places, where there were only faint marks of being bitten by mosquitoes, I applied a thick layer."

"I even held onto your ankle and wouldn't let go—reason told me to let go, but my hand wouldn't obey."

"At that time, I condemned and savored my own behavior."

Xu Mu paused. "But it also gave birth to many fantasies that shouldn't exist and were forcibly suppressed by me."

Bai Nian's tears were on the verge of falling.

His lips unconsciously parted, a bright red tongue protruding out, saliva flowing from the lips, dripping onto the chin.

Xu Mu kissed his forehead, eyes, nose tip, biting his swollen lips and repeatedly rubbing against them.

The smell of blood spread in the mouth.

Bai Nian suddenly widened his eyes, trembling all over, the taste of rust lingering in his breath.

Xu Mu held down Bai Nian's hand and said hoarsely, "I didn’t dare say it, but I actually dreamed about you all night."

"In the dream, it was all about your legs, they were very white, very smooth. I kissed them for I don't know how long, leaving many bite marks."

"You scolded me harshly, kicked me just how your mimicry would, and you cried..."

Xu Mu paused for breath.

Bai Nian couldn't hear what was being said around him, his nerves were overloaded with stimulations.

The blanket piled up by his ears tilted, descending from above.

His vision was pitch black.

He felt Xu Mu's forceful kissing on his mouth, stirring up the saliva accumulated in his mouth, making a wet sound.

Xu Mu kissed him roughly, and Bai Nian's jaw ache. In the moment when his throat completely lost its voice, he heard Xu Mu's low murmurs.

"Brother Nian, you look much more beautiful when you cry than I imagined."


Next day

Xu Mu was awakened by his biological clock.

He rubbed his forehead and subconsciously reached for the person next to him.

Warm and cozy.

Xu Mu glanced at the time, it was seven in the morning.

Hmm, Saturday.

He lay back with relief, pulling the person back into his embrace.

Bai Nian was also sleeping soundly, with a slight furrow in his brow and a lingering blush of sleep on his cheeks, his furry ears drooping on either side.

He seemed to sense something vigilantly, his arm moving slightly, muscle memory urging him to break free from the embrace. Xu Mu didn't let go, gently patting his back and then using his hand to check his forehead. The temperature was normal.

Slowly, the person in his arms quieted down again. Xu Mu tightened his arms, his gaze unconsciously falling on the other's profile.

The curtains were tightly drawn, allowing very little light to filter through, blurring all sharp contours — It gave him a very peculiar perspective.

The surroundings were extremely quiet, with only the rhythmic beating of their heartbeats.

Inside him, it felt like there was a colorful balloon slowly expanding — novelty, excitement, pleasure... various subtle emotions mingled, difficult to express in words.

Xu Mu lowered his head and gently pecked at his cheek. "Hmm..."

 Bai Nian seemed to be disturbed, turning his face away and curling up slightly.

Xu Mu pinched his soft ears and a slight smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. He reached down and found the tail, holding and playing with it absentmindedly.

Suddenly, Xu Mu's chin was bumped. It was the other's ear, the tip curling into a small ball, knocking against him.

Xu Mu blinked, cautiously letting go, observing the sleeping person's expression. The slight furrow of his brows smoothed out again, his breathing steady, and his face became serene and comfortable.

The ears obediently retracted back, resting on the side of his neck.

So cute.

Xu Mu leaned in closer, pressing against the fluffy ears.

Although he was not sleepy at all, he did not want to get up.

Xu Mu lay there for half an hour like that, but Bai Nian still showed no signs of waking up.

After some consideration, he got up quietly.

He got dressed, opened the door, and washed up. 

Until he left the room, Xu Mu made no sound.

"Master, you..." Nades began, but Xu Mu gestured for him to be silent, and Nades nodded understandingly.

"Dad—" Ye Ye came running out, just about to yell when Xu Mu covered his mouth.

"Shh!" Xu Mu whispered, "No yelling."

Ye Ye blinked innocently, not fully understanding.

But he was obedient, nodding to show he understood.

Xu Mu released him, ruffling his hair. "Go play by yourself."

He prepared to make breakfast in the kitchen.

"Have you had breakfast?" Xu Mu suddenly remembered something, turning to ask.

Ye Ye pouted. "Nades, buns."

Ah, Nades had made buns for him.

"And milk?"

Ye Ye nibbled on his hand, his gaze wandering.

Nades said, "No."

Xu Mu intentionally kept a straight face. "You should drink milk."

Ye Ye reluctantly replied, "Hmm..."

"Nades, you supervise," Xu Mu instructed.

"Yes, Master."

Xu Mu glanced at the ingredients in the fridge, deciding to make a pot of porridge.

"He probably doesn't want anything too heavy..."

He quickly selected several ingredients, washed, chopped, lit the stove, and put everything in the pot.

"Radish, bok choy, broccoli, okra, baby bok choy, tomato, eggs..."

Hmm, all vegetables Bai Nian usually liked.

"Add some ginger for seasoning," Xu Mu nodded in satisfaction.

While the porridge was cooking, Xu Mu wandered around the living room.

He straightened anything that was askew, adjusted misplaced items, diligently picked up scattered toys, and occasionally checked on Ye Ye's milk-drinking progress.

"Daddy..." Ye Ye looked up, puffing his cheeks, "Where's Daddy?"

He was getting annoyed being stared at while drinking milk.

Xu Mu raised an eyebrow. "Oh, he's in the room."

He glanced at the time; the porridge was almost ready.

"I'm going to find your Daddy," Xu Mu said, pleasantly and naturally returning to the room.

The room was still dimly lit, with a small mound on the bed.

He instinctively tiptoed.

Not sure if Bai Nian was uneasy, he had rolled from the left to the right side of the bed, barely staying on the edge.

He lay on his side, half of his face pressed into the pillow.

Xu Mu watched quietly, a smile spreading unexpectedly across his lips.

He leaned in, their noses touching, their breaths mingling gently.

It was a rather mundane action, but Xu Mu stayed like that for a few minutes.

Suddenly, his nostrils twitched.

Hmm... was that the scent of milk?

Xu Mu first sniffed his sleeve, suspecting he had gotten some of Ye Ye's milk on it.


He followed the scent, sniffing around.

Eventually, Xu Mu realized it seemed to be coming from... the blanket.

Uncertain, Xu Mu gently lifted the seam of the blanket and sniffed carefully.

It seemed to be gone— 

No, there it was again.

Xu Mu's head slipped under the covers, the warm blanket caressing his face, carrying a faint scent of shower gel, and a hint of milk, mixed with a hint of sweet fishy smell.

"Ah Mu..." a hoarse voice slowly sounded.

Xu Mu froze.

"What are you doing?" Bai Nian also struggled to open his eyes, feeling vaguely sore all over.

Xu Mu cleared his throat. "Brother Nian, Nian, are you awake?"

"Mmm," Bai Nian also replied softly, reaching out to touch Xu Mu's face.

Xu Mu leaned closer. "Is there anything bothering you?"

Bai Nian also lay on the pillow, speaking softly, "I'm okay."

His ears twitched slightly, not showing much spirit.

The bite marks and red marks on his neck were particularly noticeable.

Seeing them, Xu Mu tucked him in.

"Are you hungry?"

"A little bit," Bai Nian's eyelids drooped.

"I made porridge."

"What kind of porridge?"

"The vegetable porridge you like."

Bai Nian didn't think much of it, assuming Xu Mu had chosen something he liked and made vegetable porridge.

"Okay." He patted the young man's head again, and the other looked at him expectantly, as if seeking praise.

He couldn't help but smile. "You're really good at this."

Xu Mu couldn't suppress the smile at the corner of his mouth. "Just average."

Bai Nian chuckled, but accidentally moved his body, causing his brows to furrow immediately.

Xu Mu became nervous. "What's wrong, does it hurt somewhere?"

"It's fine."

"I'll apply the medicine for you again."

Xu Mu had bathed the person who had fainted last night and checked him over; he seemed fine. 

There was no sign of blood. He carefully applied the medicine to two places, encountering resistance halfway through, and had to coax him for a while before he could continue.


Ten minutes later, Bai Nian emerged into the living room with a flushed face.

"Daddy!" Ye Ye immediately abandoned his toy car and pounced into Bai Nian's arms.

Xu Mu quietly stepped forward, blocking them.

Ye Ye looked confused.

Xu Mu remained calm. "Come, let Daddy hold you."

Ye Ye pursed his lips.

Xu Mu said, "What's wrong, don't want to?"

With a soft click of his tongue, he lifted Ye Ye directly. "Out of sight, out of mind, huh? You used to come find me to play every day when we were next door neighbors, but now that we're in the same room, you don't like me anymore?"

Ye Ye turned away. "Annoying!"

Xu Mu chuckled angrily, what a heatless kid.

He set Ye Ye down and went to the kitchen to serve the porridge.

Bai Nian held Ye Ye's hand and sat down.

As he moved, his thighs felt sore, and each step felt light.

Looking through the half-open kitchen door, Xu Mu was ladling out the porridge, even arranging the broccoli inside as if it were a "presentation."

Bai Nian also rested his chin on his hand, his gaze soft.

The young man looked serious, his movements meticulous. Even the amount of olive oil he dripped in at the end was carefully calculated.

Though his profile appeared stern and cold, a ray of sunlight from outside didn't melt away any of it. Yet, he seemed perfectly at home in the cozy atmosphere, creating a strange contrast.

He was quite adorable.

Bai Nian also curled his fingertips, feeling his chest swell, immersed in a wave of warmth.

It felt like... they were getting closer.

Was it because they had been so intimately close last night?

His hidden and subtle fear, hesitation, and unease, were completely shattered by the young man's warmth.

The other party longed for him just as much as he did.

"Be careful, it's hot," Xu Mu said as he brought the bowl out carefully.

"Is this... porridge?" Bai Nian pinched the spoon, stirring the surface of the porridge.

It was green with a mix of red.

"Yeah, it's all the vegetables you like to eat."

The appearance of the porridge wasn't great, and it even had a slightly burnt taste. Cooking several vegetables together was a bit strange.

But Bai Nian still took a sip.

"How is it? Is there enough salt?"

"It's not bad." 

It was surprisingly edible.

"I also fried some crispy dough, in case it's too bland, you can add it in."

"Okay." Bai Nian also scooped up two spoonfuls.

"Did you eat?" he asked.

Xu Mu nodded. "Yes, I had some, and Ye Ye had steamed buns."

"Ye Ye also finished his milk today, I supervised him." 

Bai Nian also chuckled. "Alright, I got it."

Xu Mu leaned on his chin, continuing to watch the other.

"Do I have something on my face?" Bai Nian also said. "Why do you keep staring at me?"

"No, I just wanted to look at you."

Xu Mu didn't know why, but he couldn't take his eyes off, and his body wanted to get closer.

Bai Nian also looked up, helplessly saying, "Do you have to keep looking?"


"Alright." Bai Nian also continued to eat his porridge.

After a few minutes, Xu Mu pulled his chair over, leaning his shoulder against Bai Nian's.

Finally, the inexplicable restlessness in his heart subsided.

Bai Nian also glanced over, smiling faintly. "Because of this?"

Xu Mu "Hmm-ed." "I wanted to be close to you."

Bai Nian also blinked, leaning slightly to the side.

After a while, he said, "Me too."

Xu Mu couldn't contain the smile at the corner of his mouth.

Today, he had smiled countless times, almost rivaling the classic grin of a clown, the curvature exaggerated to the extreme.

After finishing breakfast, Xu Mu carried Bai Nian back to the room.

The two cuddled at the head of the bed, the atmosphere sticky.

"The heated blanket is so comfortable," Xu Mu sighed, habitually rubbing his ears.

"Are you cold?" Bai Nian asked. "I can turn up the heater."

"I’m not cold, just the blanket feels so cozy, you know, that lazy feeling, plus it is the weekend," Xu Mu explained.

Bai Nian smiled. "I know."

"Do you have work this weekend? Any overtime?" Xu Mu asked.

"No overtime."

Xu Mu internally cheered, burying his face in Bai Nian's neck. "You've been so busy lately."

Bai Nian sighed lightly. "Just mainly socializing."


"Why did you drink so much yesterday?"

"Partners came over to toast, there's no way around it."

"It's a good thing I called you to pick me up," Xu Mu continued, "Did something unpleasant happen? You didn't seem too happy standing there last night."

Bai Nian also was surprised by the young man's perceptiveness. He sidestepped the question, "Staying overtime to socialize is rarely enjoyable."

Xu Mu pondered for a moment, finding it reasonable. But he also felt it was a bit inexplicably unusual.

"Wanna watch a movie? There are several new releases today," Xu Mu suggested.

Bai Nian also had no objections. "Sure."

Xu Mu casually opened the high-definition screen, adjusted the proportions, and began to search for several new releases.

"Which one do you want to watch?"

"Any of them. I've seen the trailers, they all seem good. You pick," Bai Nian also said.

Xu Mu thought for a moment. "You mean you want to watch them all, right?"

Bai Nian also chuckled at his understanding. "Yeah, more or less."

"Then we'll watch them all," Xu Mu happily decided, "Since it's the weekend, we have plenty of time, and it's cold outside anyway—"

He glanced out the window, the transparent glass reflecting the fluttering snowflakes in the wind.

"It's snowing," Bai Nian also remarked softly.

"Yeah, it is." Xu Mu took the opportunity to hug Bai Nian tighter, opening his arms from behind and murmuring vaguely, "It's so cold, I just want to stay at home with you."

Bai Nian also teased, "Stay at home forever?"

"Sure," Xu Mu nodded, clearing his throat. "I'm quite the homebody. My longest record is three months without stepping outside."

"So exaggerated..."

"There's nothing to do outside anyway. It's better to stay at home and play games." 

Bai Nian also leaned back, saying softly, "But we should still go out and soak up some sun, and breathe some fresh air."

"Yeah, I know," Xu Mu said. "Shall we start with 'No Dinner Tonight'? It seems to have the highest ratings and great reviews all over the internet."



Xu Mu quickly made the payment, and the screen began to play the movie intro.

Buzz... The light projector vibrated slightly.

Xu Mu glanced at it, ready to turn it off.

Suddenly, he froze—it was a message from Black Ball.

He clicked on the crude software.

[Invincible Handsome Karl: Ahhh, it's over, the protagonist gong is out of control, he went to the Weide planet last night, he encountered the protagonist shou and couldn't resist, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do]

Xu Mu's lips flattened, his eyes darkened and unreadable.

"Ah Mu?" Bai Nian also patted his hand.

"Huh? What's up?" Xu Mu collected himself, smilingly asking.

"Can you lower the volume?"


Xu Mu acted as usual, continuing to hold the person in his arms.

He sniffed the back of the other's neck, his thoughts gradually settling down.

"It's quite funny at the beginning," Bai Nian also chuckled several times.

"Yeah, it has some very dark humor," Xu Mu reached for Bai Nian's hand beside him.

Their fingers intertwined.

Bai Nian glanced down, slowly tightening his grip.

Finally, their palms fit together seamlessly.

Xu Mu's mood instantly improved.

He kissed Bai Nian's cheek, humming a tune in his heart.

Then he kissed his ear.

Yay, fluffy, leaves him with no worries.

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